Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Dynamics of Friendship

The Scriptures reveal that if we want to have friends, we must learn to be friendly and that true friends are supportive during difficult times (Proverbs 17:17; 18:24). 
Friends are people in whom we can confide and share important thoughts and concerns (John 15:15). 
Real friends may not always agree with us, and sometimes they will tell us things about ourselves, our plans and actions that we need to hear, but may not want to hear (Proverbs 27:6, 17). 
The Bible cautions that we should choose our friends carefully because we are influenced by the company we keep (Proverbs 12:26).  
Abraham chose to be a friend of God by obeying His instructions to leave his former way of life (Genesis 12:1-4; James 2:23). 
Abraham understood that friendship with the world and its ways would alienate him from God (James 4:4).  
Jesus told His disciples, “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:14).  
Let’s seek to be a “friend” of God by following His instructions and be true friends to those who will not influence us in the wrong direction.